© 2009 Wendy Becker & Cynthia Emmets
You’ve been together a year and your internal clock’s started to tick
So you tell him your relationship’s gotta move to the next step
You’re scared each day you stay your chance for marriage passes you by
You want promises for the future or you’re gonna tell him good-bye
(Open your eyes)
CHORUS In time dreams come true
Though they seem to move too slow for you
In time good comes to those who wait
Love is never late, trust your heart and not your mind
Eventually you’ll see everything happens in time
I know you love him, but he just wants to know you better
He asked you to sit back, relax and enjoy this ride together
But you’re like an impatient child who sees her presents under the tree
And keeps asking her parents to let her open them before Christmas Eve
(Just believe)
BRIDGE A rosebud takes all winter before it starts to bloom
Need a snowfall in December for a mountain stream in June
The sand inside an oyster shell takes years to be a pearl
Take a look around you, see the rhythm of the world