Bebe Gordon and I were sitting in the Good Earth Restaurant in the spring of 1991. The audio system was playing a Bonnie Raitt song. Much to the displeasure of the other patrons, we began singing along with every word. When the song was over, we proceeded to sing every Bonnie song we knew (quite a few). The patrons were quickly leaving, but we kept singing!
When we finally got to the last song we knew, Bebe said to me, "Cynth, you know as much as anyone about music. Why don't you write a song?" My fear of failure prompted me to respond, "I don't know nothin' 'bout writin' no songs Miss Scarlet!" Bebe told me to go right home and call her back with a song. Twenty minutes later, I called and read her the lyrics to "Boy Be A Man About It". She wrote a melody the next day. John McDuffie played instruments and produced it a day later. My first song was born!
These days, when I thank Bebe for getting me started, she says,"Cynth, I just gave the monster inside of you the permission to come out!"