© 2014 Cynthia Emmets, Sal Landers
VERSE 1: Your lines went down so smooth, a shot of Chivas to my heart
I got drunk on your flattery almost let down my guard
But I’m not such easy prey, your tricks won’t work on me
Didn’t let you reel me in, I got loose and I broke free (I’ll never be)
CHORUS: A notch on your bedpost, a feather in your cap
A trophy for your mantle, a fox caught in your trap
When you brag about your conquests you’re gonna have to say
She’d a’ made a great catch, but she’s the one
She’s the one, she’s the one, she’s the one that got away
VERSE 2: You’re castin’ your slick lines to hook for some pretty young girl
To wear upon your arm, who thinks you’re her whole world
Your good looks and your smile are the bait you use
You lure her into your net of lies because you hate to lose (I refuse to be)
BRIDGE: Chasin’ women’s like fishin’ to you
When you catch one you cast her aside
But love’s just a sport for you to feed your manly pride